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The allocation of fault or liability is the most important factor for determining the value of your case. Your total damages could be One Million Dollars, but if the other party is found to have no fault, then your case is worth zero dollars. An experienced auto injury lawyer can help with the liability determination from the very beginning of your case.
If you are injured in a car crash, you are entitled to be compensated for your reasonable medical expenses. In Wisconsin, this is not limited to the copay or deductible, but you are entitled to the entirety of the billed charges. If you do not hire an injury lawyer, the auto insurance company may try to convince you to only accept enough money to cover your out of pocket expenses.
In Wisconsin, you are entitled to financial compensation for your pain and suffering. An experienced car crash lawyer can help you articulate and argue for your pain and suffering claim. In many cases, this can be the most valuable component of your injury case. Arguing for your own pain and suffering money can be awkward and difficult. Hire a professional trial lawyer to help you make the most of your pain and suffering claim.
If you have to miss time from work, you may be entitled to your lost wages. It is important to document all of your missed time. Ideally, your employer will provide a letter stating the amount of time you missed from work. However, because you will recover your gross lost wages, rather than your normal net wages, you could be responsible for income taxes.
In addition to the above, you may also be entitled to emotional damages, future medical expenses, future pain and suffering or money for any permanent injuries or scarring. A local Wisconsin car accident lawyer can help you recover for all your damages.
I have devoted my professional life to representing good people who have been injured as Janesville car accident attorney. Call or email me today to talk about your case. I always review cases for free.